Is it time yet to get off the merry-go-round? A must read if you are thinking of quitting smoking.

Generally speaking, most people accept that quitting smoking is no easy feat. Those who have tried and failed consistently usually end up believing that smoking has such a strong hold on them that with each attempt they try to quit the more fearsome the battle is. They are worn out before they start.

Those who have quit successful will often tell you it was not easy either; there are very few who will testify that ‘it happened just like that’.

There is no doubt that there is a common belief that most smokers that stopping smoking is a battle and that the enemy ‘nicotine’ is a formidable foe.

It certainly appears that way… but in reality it isn’t.

Quitting smoking can be a simple, painless process.

The belief that quitting smoking has to be difficult, and a struggle is a lie. A lie that has spread like wildfire and because it seems and feels like it is true, doesn’t mean that it is. It’s a lie that benefits the huge industry involved in manufacturing cigarettes and tobacco products because it keeps people hooked to smoking and buying their products. It’s a lie that benefits governments in tax revenues, and it’s a lie that supports the pockets of drug companies as they continue to churn out prescription drugs, nicotine patches, mouth spray and gum.

“But I can’t help it – I’m addicted to nicotine” I hear some of you saying…image 5

“Yeah, I just get this overwhelming urge to smoke that I can’t stop myself”

Well, that’s because you believe the lie.

Just because it seems like it’s the truth doesn’t mean it is. Let’s dig a bit deeper.

Dealing with craving is probably one of the biggest problems, if not THE biggest problem, a person faces when they are trying to stop smoking.

Anyone that smokes knows just how powerful these can be. It’s not just a desire or an urge to smoke it is an overwhelming compulsion that takes over every thought. All you can think about is having that cigarette. To think about anything else seems impossible. The only thing you know that will make it go away is to give in to the compulsion and smoke.

To resist feels like you are going into head-long battle against a giant. The chances of victory appear slim and should you win the day, you know that it won’t be long before the enemy advances again, perhaps with even more force than before and so it goes on.

So why keep doing it? Why keep trying the same battle tactics that you have done in the past expecting success? If it hasn’t worked before why would it work now?

FACT: If you keep doing what doesn’t work you only end up with the same results.

You have a choice. Either carry on repeating the same thing over and over and ending up failing each time, or adopt a different strategy.

You see maybe you are fighting the wrong enemy… Have you thought that the enemy might not be your cigarettes, the tobacco or your addiction to nicotine?

Your body metabolises all the nicotine in your body within 72 hours. So after 72 hours there is no physical addiction. So that just leaves your mind.

The lie is the real enemy, and whilst your mind may seem the battleground it doesn’t have to be. You have it in your power to defeat the enemy and set yourself free from smoking for good. It’s your choice. Other people, circumstances and events do not have power over your mind. They might influence it, and persuade you otherwise, but it’s up to you what you decide to believe.

Join me next Thursday 28 March at 9pm (UK) for a FREE live Webinar, where I reveal more and share with you 3 simple steps that could change your life.

“How to Accept that Cigarettes Will Never Love You Back”

Click on this link today for more details and to register – I look forward to seeing you there

Click Here to Register for Webinar

Jackie Hill






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