Now that Stoptober is Over…
Now that Stop Smoking Stoptober is Over… Well if you were one of the many who decided to stop smoking last month – how did you do? Congratulations to all those who are winners… and managed to quit smoking… please let me know how you did it. Share the love and pass it on so…
An End of January Blues…
A month has gone by now since I last blogged. January having 31 days is classed as one of longer months, but even so I ask myself where did the time go? And more importantly did I accomplish what I set out to do? The passing of a year and the beginning of a new…
Being a NON- Smoker… What’s in it for you?
Smokers these days come under a lot of pressure. Take Duncan for example, and just see what his average day has turned into… Alarm goes off at 6.30 am and he stretches out to reach for his cigarettes on the side table, grabs his dressing gown and slopes off downstairs to have that wonderful first…